A bbftpPRO Practical Networking Guide

This guide is written from the perspective of an xsync.perl user who would want to know how to alter defaults.

xsync does a fast "rsync -auv" kind of transfer and it has therefore two mandatory parameters, firstly the source and secondly the destination, both with syntax ‹user›@‹host›:‹path›.
Only the ‹path› part is required, the others default to current user and localhost respectively.
Both source and destination ‹user› and/or ‹host› can be different (and from the current user or localhost), meaning that third-party transfers between two remote hosts are allowed.

With no extra switches appended, xsync assumes authentication against permanently running bbftpPRO servers that listen for control connections on port 5021, a default number of parallel data streams (25), and no verbosity.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of bbftpPRO switches that could be appended at the end, with various effects:
A special significance, for a client that spawns (via ssh) its own bbftpPRO server or for the launcher of the system-wide permanent bbftpPRO server, has server switch "-e".
If used, it sets a range of data ports a server listens for data connections in the default client active mode, e.g. "-e3900:3950".
The range could be a single port, e.g. "-e3900:3900", different from the control port number, or even the same port used for control connections, in which case no range has to be affixed, e.g. "-e".
Both server switch "-e" and similarly, client switch "-D", make bbftpPRO firewall friendly.

Note that both the ssh spawned and the permanent bbftpPRO server can authenticate clients based on pairs of public and private RSA keys, the very same used by the normal ssh mechanism. The key format should be legacy PEM, though! (ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM). This facilitates processing without password typing-in (provided that the passphrase is also omitted).

Finally, fine tuning of send/receive buffers can be done by editing into file ~/.bbftprc the commands "setsendwinsize", "setrecvwinsize" and "setbuffersize", e.g. "setsendwinsize 32; setrecvwinsize 32; setbuffersize 8192", where the numeric parameter is expressed in KB (default is 256).

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